A man in handcuffs.
Source: Express |
The room was quiet and dimly lit. I could feel the metal cuffs around my wrists. My heart was beating rapidly. I knew what I had done was wrong and I knew that I must pay the price. The guilt I have felt over the last few months is enough to drive any normal person insane, but I am not normal. I am a cold blooded criminal and today is the day I will pay the price for my sins.
I was interrupted out of my deep thought by the sound of footsteps approach the room. This was it. This was the moment I was going to confess everything. I do not know if I am ready, but ready or not, the time was approaching. I questioned myself daily in the days leading up to my arrest. I knew that I was going to turn myself in eventually, but what I did not know was why? Was it the constant guilt that I felt or was it my conscious returning?
This time I was interrupted by a stern voice saying, "Mr. Robinson, do you know why you are here?"
Of course I knew why I was there, but do I admit it now or do I wait? The decision was tough but I decided to go with my gut or maybe it was my conscious. I replied, "Yes," in the coldest voice I could. The look on the officer's face was priceless. I could not tell if it was a smirk knowing I was about to confess or if he was utterly in shock at my response.
After a few seconds of silence, the officer asked, "Are you confessing?"
Again, in the most evil tone, I replied, "Yes."
The officer asked, "Do you want a lawyer?"
"No. I am going to confess my sins and I will pay my price," I responded hastily.
The officer was in shock and left the room. I knew my moment of freedom were coming to an end, but for some reason this did not bother me. I guess my conscious really was returning. The next thing I knew, the officer returned, but this time, he brought another officer, a pad of paper, and a tape recorder with him.
The new officer said, "I am detective Morgan and I hear you have a confession..."
I interrupted before he could finish his sentence, "Yes, I do."
Let's rewind three months back. I had just lost my job. My boss fired me for getting in a fight with a coworker. The guy was a real jerk and he had it coming. I begged to keep my job, knowing that someone with no high school diploma would have a difficult job finding a job that paid as much as this one. The boss refused and I was irate. Not knowing what else to do, I headed to the bars and drank the day and most of the night away. I do not know what came over me, but I decided to head to my ex-boss's house.
I was livid and I wanted the boss to feel what I felt. I wanted him to have something good taken right from his hands for no apparent reason. I wanted him to lose something. I wanted him to hurt. Perhaps it was my drunken state combined with my rage, but what I did next will cost me the rest of my life. I marched into his house not knowing what I was going to do. When I wondered in, I saw his two kids playing in the living room and I took them. I kidnapped his kids. No one saw me, no one would have ever expected this from me but this night is the night that changed my life for the worse. It was the night I became a kidnapper.
I knew I would eventually get caught and I knew it was just a matter of time before I spent the rest of my life behind bars.
I was brought back into reality by the officer saying, "We are ready for your confession."
I uttered the last words I spoke as a free man, " I did it. I kidnapped Mr. Buchanan's kids."
Author's Note: The original story was about two sparrow that had just had kids. The happy father sparrow flew away from the nest to go and get food for his family. Upon returning home, found his wife flying around frantically crying. He asked her what happened and she told him that while he was gone an evil snake crawled into their nest and devoured their children. The two sparrows were devastated and determined to get revenge, but the snake told them that they were mere sparrows, so what could they do to a big snake like him. The sparrow began pondering a plan and one night, the man who lived in a house below their tree came home with a lantern and he just so happened to set the lantern in an open window. The sparrow's then saw a way to avenge the death of their children. The father sparrow went and got the lantern and set the nest on fire. While the snake was escaping the nest, the man who lived in the house had climbed the tree to try and poke the nest out of the tree before the whole tree caught on fire. When poking the nest, he stabbed the snake and he died. The moral of this story was karma in my opinion, so I wanted to carry this idea to the retelling of my story. From the moment I read this story, I knew I wanted to add it to my portfolio, so I decided to change the characters to humans, so it would fit the theme of my story. I then decided to put the story in the villain's perspective, which in my opinion made the story more intense.
Bibliography: "The Sparrows and the Snake" from
The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton.