Thursday, March 8, 2018

Growth Mindset: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Infographic

One thing that the infographic confirmed for me was that while having a growth mindset, you do not give up easily and you embrace challenges, while in a fixed mindset, you have a harder time doing things that challenge due to the fear of failure. One thing I learned is that people with a fixed mindset feel threatened by the success of others. This is not something I did not know necessarily, but it is something that I definitely did not think about, but it makes sense. When you are afraid of failing and see someone else succeed, it makes you feel even more anxious to not fail, so it makes sense to me why people with a fixed mindset feel this way.

One thing that I am curious to look up is the long term effects of a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. The infographic briefly mentioned that people will a growth mindset will be able to reach higher levels of achievements, so I want to find studies that involve the long term effects and examine them more to learn about how they affect individuals and their success. I want to know if this is information found in a study and it is actually true or is the level of achievement determined by the person? In other words, are the people equally successful but the person with a fear of failing is not living life to the fullest therefore leading to less achievements? Another thing to research could be the psychological effects between the two types of mindsets.
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
Souce: Jackie Gerstein

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